
Money management

Does money really buy happiness?

2023-06-28T08:59:44+10:00June 28th, 2023|Money management|

I subscribe to a US based investment adviser, specifically designed for women, and they’ve just posted an interesting article quoting research from US Ivy League Universities, Penn and Princeton, that proves that there is a very strong correlation between more money and happiness. It doesn’t literally buy the feeling of being happy but it does have the ability to seriously influence our overall [...]

What do you need to do to prepare for EOFY?

2023-06-07T10:45:11+10:00June 7th, 2023|Money management|

The end of financial year is coming in fast, and that probably means one of two things to you. EOFY Sale or Time to get things in order for the tax man. If you’re thinking sales, then just remember that it’s only a bargain if it’s something you actually need and will use or wear. Don’t fall into the temptation trap and get blinded [...]

What does money really mean to you?

2023-03-16T15:18:26+10:00March 15th, 2023|Money management|

Most of us have a response to money that is often deeply seated and unconscious. We tend to sit in one of three camps: Stress - We are concerned that we don’t have enough to cover expenses, or that we’ll never have enough, or that money is “the root of all evil”. Ambivalence - Money comes and goes and it doesn’t have too [...]

The key is to intentionally manage your money

2022-10-12T08:25:50+10:00October 12th, 2022|Money management|

I read an interesting article the other day about money advice from women over 50 and one quote really struck a chord with me… “You have to intentionally manage your money like your time. If you don’t, it will manage you.” This is just so true and something that I have been advocating for years. I have seen many clients and friends reap the [...]

Is it time to revisit your budget?

2022-08-10T11:46:15+10:00August 10th, 2022|Money management|

If you want to stay ahead of the current increasing cost of living, now is the perfect time to revisit your budget! It’s an even better time to plug any holes in that budget! When things are just plodding along nicely, I find that I tend to become a bit complacent about my spending. If I overspend a little this month, I’ll rein it [...]

Empowering women to take control of their money and mortgage

2022-03-16T12:47:59+10:00March 9th, 2022|Money management|

As a woman on a mission to empower women to take control of their money and mortgage so they can build a financially fantastic future, International Women's Day is really a day to celebrate. It's a day to look at how far we've come and also to think about how far we have left to go. As a whole, we're in a much better [...]

Where is your focus? Earning or spending?

2022-02-16T20:21:51+10:00February 16th, 2022|Money management|

One of the biggest misperceptions that we have is that the more we earn, the more we’ll have. Sadly, this isn’t always right and it ends up being “the more we earn, the more we spend”. It’s a little trick that our mind often plays on us that when we have “extra”, we can afford it, or you can reward yourself for working harder [...]

Who handles the money in your relationship?

2022-02-14T12:51:56+10:00January 26th, 2022|Money management|

Money in relationships can be a maker or breaker. It can be a real challenge when long held beliefs around money creep into a relationship. As a couple you may have invested a lot of time and effort into making the money side of the relationship work. It can become difficult when your values are not aligned. When one of you lives in the [...]


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