
Monthly Archives: September 2020

Who’s your support crew and how effective are they?

2020-10-05T15:59:44+10:00September 26th, 2020|Tips|

This year I think it's become apparent that we need people. We need friends, family, advisers, supporters, experts, comedians, listeners, distractors, leaders, managers, followers, challengers, and everyone else that I haven't mentioned. People keep us connected, motivated, informed and safe. They can also drive us a little bit crazy sometimes - so it's important that you choose the right people to surround yourself with. [...]

3 problems for home buyers

2020-10-05T15:50:39+10:00September 19th, 2020|First home buyer, Uncategorized|

When buying a home, you tend to face three main problems, so let’s tackle them head on! Information overload There is so much information coming from every direction. If you do a search online, everyone from real estate agents to banks and brokers to bloggers will be offering advice. Parents who haven’t borrowed money since the 1990s will be telling their children what they [...]

Spring has sprung!

2020-10-05T15:41:44+10:00September 12th, 2020|lifestyle|

Summer is just around the corner and it’s my favourite time of year. It tells me that new beginnings are here. New opportunities for growth, fresh starts and spring cleaning (and I don’t just mean your home or wardrobe). The mornings are brighter, the days are getting longer and there seems to be more time to just get stuff done. It also signals to [...]

Home buyer essentials

2020-10-05T15:34:00+10:00September 5th, 2020|First home buyer|

When you’re saving to buy a home, there are two things that I believe are essential to your success: goals mindset Having clarity in what you want is important in achieving your goal. Spend some time working out exactly what it is and then do what’s required to make it happen. Figure out what keeps you motivated and then put the framework in place [...]

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