

The special magic of holidays

2024-10-16T10:17:18+10:00October 16th, 2024|lifestyle|

Holidays seem to have a special magical power, don’t you think? Whether it’s booking them, going on them or getting home from them, they all hold their special powers of anticipation, excitement and contentment. They can be extravagant, cultural explorations to far off lands with the one/s you love most, simple trips away with a bunch of mates or a solo escape from your [...]

Is your home ready for summer?

2024-10-09T09:06:49+10:00October 9th, 2024|lifestyle|

Summer is fast approaching and our minds tend to turn to our outdoor space right about now. How is it looking? Do you need to invest time or money to make it more functional for relaxing or entertaining? It’s really important to think of your outdoor space as an extension of your home - whether it’s a balcony on your apartment or a yard [...]

How often do you practice self care?

2024-07-10T08:11:27+10:00July 10th, 2024|lifestyle|

It might be something as simple (and necessary) as going to the gym or for a long walk, getting a massage, practising meditation or locking yourself away with a good book for an hour. It might be something as indulgent as a trip to a health retreat or a weekend away with your best mates. Whatever it is, I'm here to remind you (and [...]

Are you still open to learning?

2024-05-29T09:29:33+10:00May 29th, 2024|lifestyle|

Who are your mentors? Who inspires you? Who do you learn from? As we get older I've found that our mind tends to shut down a little to learning because we kinda know a lot. We've got experience, we've achieved stuff, we've had successes. But, in my experience, I've found that I have so much more to learn. I just have to find the [...]

What’s the plan?

2024-05-22T08:23:12+10:00May 22nd, 2024|lifestyle|

What’s the plan? Are you an organiser or a “fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants” type? Planning is something that I either excel at or is a complete nightmare. In my experience, every good plan starts with a list. On the good days I power through my list, like a master of productivity. Totally unstoppable, laser focused and determined to tick off every item. It’s like I’m an athlete [...]

Time to slow down to achieve more

2024-05-15T08:22:40+10:00May 15th, 2024|lifestyle|

This morning I came to the big realisation that I’ve been running lately - not physically - just mentally. And I don’t like it. I’m trying to do too much - at work, at home, socially - the lists just keep getting longer and it’s adding unnecessary stress to my days. The song that plays on my alarm is “Last Request” by Paolo Nutini. [...]

My Magic Number

2024-03-06T08:23:28+10:00March 6th, 2024|lifestyle|

I've found that three is my magic number when it comes to planning. I set myself three big goals to accomplish within three years with check-ins every three months. And it works - for me. It's not too long, or too short, too many or too few. Are you an active goal-setter? Do you have a number or formula that works for you? I [...]

Christmas prep

2023-12-13T07:22:14+10:00December 13th, 2023|lifestyle|

I’m a real list girl and there’s no better time for lists than Christmas. I’ve just written my list to prepare our home for the onslaught of Christmas and school holidays with 4 boys in the house, so thought I’d share it with you. Clean out the fridge, because that thing is going to be pumping over the next 6 weeks. Get rid of [...]

A time for kindness

2023-12-06T08:43:59+10:00December 6th, 2023|lifestyle|

We're fast approaching that time of year again. The time for parties, celebrations, catching up with family and friends, or missing family and friends if you can't be with them. It's a time of year to be kind to each other. We're all busy, stressed and this year many of us will be feeling the financial pinch. Maybe this might be a good year [...]

It’s time to be intentional!

2023-11-16T12:25:45+10:00November 15th, 2023|lifestyle|

We're heading fast towards the crazy end of the year so it's important that you do all the things you want to do and none of the things that you don't. People get busy, offices close for the Christmas/New Year period, restaurants book out. Don't miss out simply because you didn't pre-plan and think ahead. If you want to buy a house, get your [...]

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