
Monthly Archives: January 2024

The risks of buying property with a friend

2024-01-29T09:05:22+10:00January 29th, 2024|First home buyer|

Buying a property with a friend is a great way to pool resources and get your foot in the market. But it doesn't come without risk. I always recommend that if you're really keen to pursue this avenue, then sit down and have a long discussion. Talk about the hard stuff. What if one of you loses your job? Or is offered an amazing [...]

Impossible? Never

2024-01-24T08:04:57+10:00January 24th, 2024|Tips|

What's your relationship like with the word "impossible"? Mine isn't good. It actually evokes feelings of competitiveness and disdain. It's definitely a trigger. How dare anyone tell me that something is impossible! I can do anything I set my mind to! So my blood was boiling this week when I came across an article with headlines "Now Impossible for Young People to Buy a [...]

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