Throughout my life, I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from some great mentors – personally and professionally, formally and informally.
When you take the time to look at what others do, how they do it and even why they do it, there is just so much to learn.
Whether it’s about problem solving, leading, managing or setting and achieving goals, I’ve learnt so much from others who I admire. I’ve also learnt a few things about how I DON’T want to do things, but it’s all learning and it’s all very valuable – as long as our eyes, ears and mind are open for the lessons.
It gets us outside our own head, our own education, our own map of the world and allows us to see things from another perspective. And sometimes that’s all you need to find a solution or strategy.
Who are you surrounding yourself with?
Who and what are you listening to and reading?
What lessons are you learning?
Is there anything that you’re struggling with that you could look to others for guidance and support?
We really don’t need to do it all ourselves and have all the answers within.
Sometimes, we just need to look to others to find what we’re looking for.
And that’s where our growth comes from. That’s where we find little nuggets of gold that can make our life rich – if we choose to look, listen and learn.